Service | Connection | Impact

Teen boys are invited to join us on an adventure in ‘giving back’ as we strive to better our community and ourselves - one project at a time.

Through a variety of service initiatives, ranging from environmental cleanup to supporting local non-profits, we aim to leave a lasting positive impact on our community and build healthy connections along the way.

What to Expect:

Each month, the crew will meet from 10-1pm at a designated site to provide service work to a community based non-profit. Led by a certified recovery coach and seasoned educator, participants will learn new skills and work together to make a BIG DIFFERENCE in short amount of time.

Crew members will receive an official Dominic’s CommUNITY Crew t-shirt at their second session and will be invited to participate in fun “reward” events along the way. And there may be a giveaway or two… you never know. ;)


Dominic’s CommUNITY Crew depends on a real commitment by crew members to show up consistently and on time with a willingness to serve. Sessions are held on the 2nd Saturday of every month. New crew members can join at any time but once signed up, the expectation is that members will make every effort to attend all sessions. This is important not only for practical reasons at the worksite but also because it helps develop important qualities like responsibility, thoughtfulness, and community focus.


Participants must be between the ages of 14-18 and registered by a legal guardian (if under 18). There is no cost to participate but crew members will be required to have their own transportation and provide their own lunch/snacks.

Would you like Dominic’s CommUNITY Crew to come help out your organization?

Or would you like to help support this group by providing snacks, lunch, or an incentive?




Sponsored in Part By Dominic’s Light

Dominic’s Light’s mission is to be seen and be heard throughout our communities, to help our future generations with mental health and wellness through awareness, advocacy, and support.  Our desire is to create a space of holistic healing for our youth to keep their minds healthy. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND HELP SUPPORT THIS ORGANIZATION!