Jason Noble

Peer Mentor (He/Him/His)

Special interest: Addiction recovery | Generational trauma | Family and parenting support | Youth support | Ethical non monogamy | Mental health | Suicidal ideation | Goal setting | Mindfulness | Outdoor recreation | Community bonds | Boundary setting

“Not all who wander are lost… but I sure am.”

Born in Northern Minnesota, Jason has spent most of his life in the Chippewa Valley. After high school, he spent three years in the National Guard before accompanying his then-wife, an Army Medic, to Kansas, where he was a stay-at-home dad. After four years he moved back to the area and started working in manufacturing before starting a Millwright apprenticeship.

While working the grind, he rode out a divorce and toxic family relationship. Now, he navigates the joys and challenges that come with being a single parent while trying to maintain a successful co-parenting relationship and balancing the needs of a blended family. At the same time, Jason is exploring what it means to make friends and develop new relationships as an adult. Jason is on the constant lookout for new tools to put in his emotional toolbox to better handle challenges that come his way.

In his early adulthood, Jason went through the trials of addiction with both alcohol and opiates. Upon becoming a father, Jason realized that his decisions affected more than just himself and intentionally began his recovery. He recognizes that recovery is a journey with ups and downs, easy periods and hard ones. Now, Jason continues to develop healthy practices for coping with life’s stressors, and is looking forward to working with peers experiencing similar challenges.

Jason is an avid lover of board games and tabletop role-playing games. He enjoys the sense of competitive and collaborative community that happens while playing games of all kinds. Tabletop role-playing games, in particular, allow him to explore different sides of his identity in a safe, supportive environment. As a Game Master, Jason is learning to curate a supportive space for his player’s exploration, and his hoping to bring this experience to interested peers.

Jason finds peace in practicing Brazilian jiu jitsu, mindfulness, and yoga (he really needs to do more yoga). All of these practices require patience, determination, being grounded in one’s body, and the creative application of mental and physical skills. The insights he discovers in BJJ, meditation, and yoga are directly applicable to Jason’s life “off the mat” and he is passionate about sharing these hobbies, and their potential rewards, with peers of all fitness and experience levels. In addition, Jason is a dedicated mushroom hunter and hiker who believes that one can never be outside too much. He feels at home in forests during all kinds of weather, and would love to spend time with peers out in nature.

Jason is excited to work with children, teens, and adults who are developing emotional skills, exploring diverse relationships, and fostering a greater sense of community connection.