Dose of Reality Roundtable - ATR Director Response
Director’s Note: I was invited to participate in a Dose of Reality Roundtable Discussion that took place on December 14th, 2023. Unfortunately, due to a scheduled surgery the day before I was unable to attend but I was given the opportunity to submit a written response to their questions.
I am sharing this publicly because we need public engagement to support these initiatives. While our federal, state, and local governments have a lot of work to do, we as citizens and neighbors have to step up too. But it’s hard to do that when the problem feels too big or we don’t understand how it’s impacting us.
My hope is that sharing this letter can help keep the conversation going or maybe spark some new ones. I hope everyone who reads this will feel their hearts soften a bit towards those who have struggled and maybe they’ll even choose to learn more, get involved, and help save some lives.
In Community,
Renee Sommer, Co-Owner & Director of At The Roots LLC
Want to get involved?
Never underestimate the power of your voice!

A portion has been redacted to offer some privacy to a person who recently lost their fight with addiction and died by overdose.