Teresa is an invaluable member of our organization, and we feel truly fortunate to have her on our team. With a focus on supporting women, Teresa’s nurturing and compassionate spirit make her an exceptional provider and an inspiring person. Her dedication and warmth touch everyone she works with, making her a true asset to our team and the community. Here’s some more about Teresa in her own words: 

Where are you from/where did you grow up? 

I grew up on a dairy farm in SE WI 

When/why did you get into peer support? 

I started providing Peer Support 2 years ago, after feeling limited in the amount of support I could provide employees in my previous Human Resources positions. 

Where would you like to see peer support go in the future? 

There are so many settings that would benefit from Peer Support. My niche is working with adult women who have been through tough stuff and working to come out the other side, healthier. So to me, Peer Support could be available anywhere women are needing support - overwhelmed women with busy lives, women who are lonely, women who have given away so much of themselves that they are feeling empty, women who have forgotten their value in life and how to care for themselves. 

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

Meeting peers right where they are, listening and exploring with curiosity to help them reach their goals 

What are some of the challenges in your job? 

Sometimes it's hard for peers to see themselves in a different light, or for them to see the possibility of what can be...getting unstuck from where they are to where they want to be. 

Any hobbies or interests outside of work? 

Anything outdoors (except in winter). I love to camp, hike and be in nature. I like to read good fiction and create art, cook, watch the Packers with friends, hang out with my family and all my furry friends. I have two cats and a dog. I have two grand pups and one grand cat. I also care for 3 other pups when their owners are working. 

What is your favorite movie/book/TV show? 

I can't resist a good true crime story on TV. My favorite books are To Kill a Mockingbird and The Overstory. 

What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten? 

Well, my Dad always said "Keep Still" to settle me down when I was a child. I think of it differently as an adult. When I keep still now, I recognize that my nervous system calms down and I have room in my head for creative thoughts, feel peaceful, and sleep better.

Can you share any fun facts about yourself or something your colleagues may not know about you? 

I have gone to 50 concerts in my life, recently going to one solo for the first time ever. I love all kinds of music but I'm definitely a Led-head (Led Zeppelin) 

💖Thank you for all that you do, Teresa! 💖


Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Supporting Someone Impacted by Domestic Violence
