Courtney is one of our more experienced providers. In addition to being a cool, interesting human, she is a role model for seeing the whole person and supporting without ego. Lucky for us, she is always willing to share her peer support wisdom with our team. Here is some more about Courtney in her own words:

Where are you from/where did you grow up?

I was born in a tiny town in Michigan and at the age of 6 months old, I started moving. I have lived in 5 different states (Wisconsin, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Kentucky), some repeatedly, until I permanently moved to Eau Claire in 2018. I spent most of my childhood in Eau Claire and when the opportunity to come back arose, I took it immediately.

 When/why did you get into peer support?

I have been a peer support provider for almost two years. I got into peer support because I wanted to make a difference. I personally have struggled with feeling supported or finding resources to help address my own mental health needs and I wanted to be a part of a community that helped others.

 Where would you like to see peer support go in the future?

My wish for peer support would be that there is acceptance of the benefits peer support has, creating more accessible and affordable options in more places.

 What do you enjoy most about your job? 

Getting to experience the ah-ha moments with my peers as they are progressing. It is an indescribable moment when you see the pieces coming together for someone you have been working alongside with.

 What are some of the challenges in your job?

My biggest challenge is the initial first meetings with peers. One of the qualifications for the job IS lived experience and like many that I work with, I have anxiety around strangers.

 Any hobbies or interests outside of work?

I am a full-time photographer outside of peer support! I have been doing professional photography since Covid lifted in 2020. Outside of both jobs, I still make time for my fiancé and our three cats, playing Fortnite Wednesday nights with my sister who lives across the country, hikes and nature walks with my best girls, and traveling as much as I can afford to!

What is your favorite movie/book/TV show?

Naturally, they are all spooky-esque. My favorite movie is Practical Magic, book (series) is Beautiful Creatures, and TV show is Charmed!

 What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten?

“Be the person you needed growing up.” She may have heard that somewhere before but when I came back to Eau Claire, I visited my high school freshman English teacher and this is what she said when I confided in her about my recovery; feeling lost trying to find myself again.

Can you share any fun facts about yourself or something your colleagues may not know about you?

Few people know but I can totally relate to Frenchy from Grease. I became a genuine beauty school drop out after completing all the practical courses (I realized that was SO not what I wanted to do). Unlike Frenchy, I still use all the skills I learned to style my own hair as well as friends and family.

💖 Thank you for being part of our team, Courtney! 💖




Election Year Self-Care: The Balance Between Being Informed and Being Stressed