PROVIDER SPOTLIGHT: Derrick Pulvermacher

Derrick is one of our OG providers and regularly amazes us with the amount of time and energy he spends providing support while still maintaining his zen. Our resident mindfulness guru, (my words, not his…he would probably never call himself a “guru”), Derrick earned the Beacon of Serenity Award at our Gratitude Dinner in November. Here’s some more about Derrick in his words:

Where are you from/where did you grow up?

I lived in Owatonna, MN until 2nd grade and then moved to Antigo, WI which is where I mainly grew up.

When/why did you get into peer support?

I got into peer support about 3 years ago after being in sales for many years and wanting a change of direction. Also, I like helping people, learning, listening, reminding people about the power of connection and the value of a mindfulness practice.   And Ram Dass…

Where would you like to see peer support go in the future?

I’d like to see more mindfulness taught in the schools. More classes for kids and adults about noticing how the mind works, noticing how we talk to ourselves and the stories we tell ourselves…also more practice examining and facing our fears and prejudices.

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

I enjoy providing a space where people can be honest and real. 

What are some of the challenges in your job?

Some challenges include when a person you’re working with causes a lot of unnecessary pain for themselves and others…or when a peer lies…or does not engage at all. 

Any hobbies or interests outside of work?

Outside of work, I play drums in a rock band called Modern Dads.  I also play guitar and bass …and I like reading and discussing philosophy and religion.

What is your favorite movie/book/TV show?

Favorite book perhaps Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.  Or “ Grist for the Mill” by Ram Dass.  I like the Wheel of Fortune and the TV show Alone. I also enjoy lots of various comedians…lately I’ve been revisiting George Carlin….I think he’s just brilliant.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten?

Well, Buddha basically says the most important thing is to pay attention to how your mind works at all times… So I’ll go with that. 

Or maybe…Love your neighbor as yourself. 

Oh wait…”Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.” 

Or perhaps…”Be kind, be aware, don’t cling.”

Can you share any fun facts about yourself or something your colleagues may not know about you?

Maybe you don’t know I played a lot of ice hockey when I was younger.  And in small town Antigo we won the state championship, beat all the big city teams and I was voted All-State defenseman. 🙄 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

💖We’re so grateful to have you on our team, Derrick! 💖


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