Jaz is one of our more elusive providers. Because of his busy schedule, we don’t see him around very much, but he’s always behind the scenes effortlessly doing amazing things. Here’s some more about Jaz:

Where are you from/where did you grow up?

I was born in Eau Claire. I grew up in Altoona.

 When/why did you get into peer support?

I got into peer support about 2 years ago. I got into it because I like helping people and I like sharing my passion of the outdoors with people. The outdoors is very therapeutic in so many ways. I figured if I can share the outdoors with someone who can benefit from it and it helps them with their goals, it’s a win win. 

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

I enjoy watching my peers succeed. I like seeing the gains they have made from the first time we met to graduation. 

What are some of the challenges in your job?

I have a full time day job as well, so sometimes it’s hard for me to attend certain events and trainings. Sometimes I have to get creative to make it all work. It’s totally worth it though. 

Any hobbies or interests outside of work?

I love being in the outdoors and on the water. I love to fish. 

Can you share any fun facts about yourself or something your colleagues may not know about you?

My full first name is Jasmin. I don't use it very often unless I legally have to though. 

💖We appreciate all that you do Jaz!💖


Personal Story: Choosing Gratitude


Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week