A Quick word about active listening
While it can be a valuable tool for someone that needs a little help in remembering how to listen, it can also feel intimidating and challenging, both for the speaker and the listener…
Katherine has been a valued provider with At The Roots for more than a year, but her connection to us goes back even further…
Karsten has been a Peer Mentor with At The Roots for a short time, but his laid-back energy and ability to roll with the punches immediately made him a natural fit…
Jaz is one of our more elusive providers. Because of his busy schedule, we don’t see him around very much, but he’s always behind the scenes effortlessly doing amazing things…
Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Supporting Someone Impacted by Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a ripple effect circumstance. When victims go unheard and abusers go unhealed, the cycle continues, but when we are truly supported and understood, the cycle breaks…
Building Connections: The Importance of LGBTQ+ Peer Networks in Sustaining Recovery
The thing is, the very factors that put those in the LGBTQ+ community at greater risk for all of these things are the same ones that make it harder for them to find a supportive, effective pathway to recovery. From discrimination in healthcare/treatment settings to loss of connection with family, pain and struggle become the norm. Isolation sets in, loneliness takes root, and before long you’ve lost all hope that anything can/will ever be different.
And if there’s one thing we know about recovery, it’s that hope is key.
Life Lessons from Disc Golf
Disc golf is hands down one of my favorite sports. It’s something you don’t really need to be that great at to get the full enjoyment out of it. And it’s relatively inexpensive. You can play with friends or alone. And more and more courses are popping up around the area. The other day I was out playing a round and several analogies started to hit me all at once. Life lessons I’ve learned from disc golf:
Mike Sommer Completes His Parent Peer Specialist Certification!
At The Roots LLC is so excited to announce that one of the co-owners, Mike Sommer, has passed his certification exam through the state of Wisconsin and is now a practicing Certified Parent Peer Specialist!
5 Things I Need to Hear When My Depression is Bad (And 3 Things I DON'T)
“Major depressive disorder affects approximately 17.3 million American adults, or about 7.1% of the U.S. population age 18 and older, in a given year. (National Institute of Mental Health “Major Depression”, 2017)”