Beat the Summertime Blues: Practical Tips to Connect with Nature
It’s hard to believe that we are deep into July, with the heat finally hitting maybe as hard as the summertime sadness that can feel like life's been a fast-moving dumpster fire…
Food for Thought: The Connection Between Nutrition and Mental Health
Since I am at the point in my recovery journey where all foods are safe, I am now becoming more interested in how what I eat can affect my mental state. I still won’t tell you to follow a specific diet or live a sad sugarless existence, but I will tell you what I’ve learned so far…
Life Lessons from Disc Golf
Disc golf is hands down one of my favorite sports. It’s something you don’t really need to be that great at to get the full enjoyment out of it. And it’s relatively inexpensive. You can play with friends or alone. And more and more courses are popping up around the area. The other day I was out playing a round and several analogies started to hit me all at once. Life lessons I’ve learned from disc golf:
8 Key Components to Managing My Depression
Over the course of so many years, I’ve tried everything from medication to meditation to try and tame this little (sometimes big) monster. What’s worked during some periods hasn’t worked in others and it’s been a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and compassion for myself during the process.
3 of Our Favorite Ways to Get Outside in Winter & Boost Your Mood in the Chippewa Valley
Winter-Pattern Seasonal Affective Disorder (often referred to as SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes with the season.
Three Tips for Coping With Nightshift
Night shifts suck. There’s really no nicer way to put it. I worked a swing shift job in a factory for many years and it was hard.
Dopamine: What is it and how do you increase it?
Dopamine. The word alone gives people the warm and fuzzies. But do you know what it is and what role it plays in your mental health?