Sober Summer: Navigating Social Events in Eau Claire without Alcohol

We live in a place that has only a short window to enjoy warm, summery weather, so summer means more chances for socializing. We also live in a place where culturally, socializing means alcohol. Alcohol seems to make an appearance everywhere from music festivals to baby showers and in all activities from painting to yoga.

I’ll be honest, my recreation time winter or summer includes plenty of time at home, so I had to do some serious research to find out what there is to do in Eau Claire that doesn’t involve alcohol. Spoiler-there’s not a lot. 

Finding sober activities in this area is hard enough, so I’m going to share some tips for how to navigate social events and stay sober.

Identifying your triggers.

Having a solid plan can help your confidence. Maybe it’s difficult to say no when a friend offers you a drink. You can think about what you’ll say ahead of time, or you can make sure you have a cold soda already in hand. 

Think about the best way for you to regulate if you do find yourself triggered. Do you have someone with you or someone you can call to talk it out? Do you need to take a break, get a change of scenery, or take some deep breaths? Once you know what your triggers are and how you handle them best, you can make a plan.

Take care of your body.

Make sure you are rested, hydrated, and nourished. 

When you are hungry or tired, your brain shifts to “instant gratification” mode instead of considering the long term when making decisions. When your basic needs aren’t being met, you’re more likely to feel tempted. 

Snack before and during the event if you can, and keep plenty of H20 close by.

Stay busy.

Have a plan for how you’ll spend your time. For example, if you are invited to a friend’s barbeque, offer to bring a yard game, or help with the food. Or you could appoint yourself DJ for the day and show off your superior music preferences.

Bring a sober buddy.

I think this is a great way to stay sober and have fun. There is so much power in a support system. Having that support by your side whenever possible helps you feel less alone and gives you someone to check in with if you’re struggling. Plus, it can make you feel more at ease if you’re not the only one drinking Sprite when everyone else has beer. 

And you have someone to hang out with or even leave with if starts to get overwhelming. Which brings me to my last tip.

Have an exit strategy.

Sometimes you might want to make an early exit, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you can’t handle it, quite the opposite actually - it means you are taking control of your own life and you should be proud of yourself. 

You don’t owe anyone an explanation, but it might be helpful to have an excuse in your back pocket. And give yourself permission to fudge a little bit. Maybe your dog doesn’t need to go to the vet, but they don’t know that, and really, it’s no one else’s business.

Where we live, summer and alcohol often go hand in hand, and it can be tough to fill your social cup and stay sober. Whether you are in recovery or you are trying to cut back and be healthy, I hope these tips can help you enjoy your summer mindfully and safely.




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