ATR Short List: 4 Ways to Engage in Social Justice
February 20th is World Day of Social Justice. Social justice has played such an important role in my professional and personal growth over the years. Starting in 2020, I participated in efforts to hold law enforcement accountable. In 2021, I joined JONAH’s Criminal Justice Task Force to put my energy into something local, where I felt I could make a greater difference. Here, I saw the power of lived experience and the importance of bringing those voices to the conversations that create change. This led me to JONAH’s Mental Health Task Force, and ultimately to my role here at At The Roots.
If social justice is your thing too, the Chippewa Valley is actually a great place to get started. There are a number of different causes and organizations that you can support or even work with directly. Here are some ideas to get you started:
JONAH stands for Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope. It is a grassroots organization that advocates for various social justice causes. It is made up of local congregations and community members, and it’s worth noting that you do not have to be a member of any faith community to join. From their website, “JONAH has been shaped and led by a diverse group of members or many different faith-based organizations around the Chippewa Valley including churches, congregations, religious orders, mosques, temples, synagogues, and associated groups. This is because despite any differences, members of these faith communities share the common values of love, hope, stewardship, and justice.”
JONAH is where I got my start, so I have to fangirl for a minute. JONAH made me feel welcome and valued right away, and invested in me by training me in leadership and community organizing and empowering me as a leader by guiding me to reframe what leadership really means.
Because they have a variety of task forces and initiatives, you’re likely to find a place to use your voice and talents for a social justice cause that speaks to you, like Affordable Housing, Transit, Immigration, and more. Or you could join me and the really cool folks on the Mental Health Task Force, just saying.
I love a good justice march! If you ever need a protest buddy, hmu.
Black & Brown Womyn Coalition
The Black & Brown Womyn Coalition is made up of advocates, individuals, and allies, and their mission is "Building the capacities of Black and Brown advocates and their communities to end violence against womyn, queer and trans folx, and young people." By supporting their local efforts, you’ll be supporting training, TA support for advocates and organizations, and the Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline, a confidential helpline with trained, bilingual staff.
So cool. And needed. No one else that I know of is doing anything like this in Eau Claire specifically for these communities. If this is a cause that speaks to your little justice-y heart, check out their website for ways to help out.
EXPO stands for Ex-Incarcerated People Organizing. EXPO is super cool because it is “led by people who are directly impacted,” and “committed to dismantling all systems that support mass incarceration and excessive supervision.” They are formerly incarcerated individuals, folks who support someone who is or was incarcerated, and allies working with nonprofits, policymakers, employers, and more to create real change in our justice system statewide.
EXPO holds Restorative Justice Circles and hooks people up with reentry services like peer support and workforce development. They are based in Madison, but you can still help from anywhere in Wisconsin.
Their campaigns include Unlock the Vote to restore voting rights to those with a felony conviction while incarcerated, on parole or probation, or on extended community supervision, and End the Exception to fight forced labor in prisons. If you are an impacted person, support someone who is, or just like to see humans being treated like humans, consider looking into EXPO.
City Council Public Hearings
Did you know you can just go to these? Eau Claire City Council meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month, and public hearings are at 6 pm the Monday before. If this was confusing to you too, you can check out upcoming meetings and agendas here.
So this isn’t really a cause or organization, but this can be a great way to show up for issues like immigration and housing. Your voice can make a real impact because it’s local, and the decisions being made directly affect your community. If you can’t physically show up, you can always submit a comment before a public hearing.
I hope this inspires you to celebrate World Day of Social Justice by engaging one (or more!) of these deserving causes. Your voice matters, and your actions do make a difference. Here’s to fighting the good fight!