Today is Not a Great Mental Health Day...

This post was originally posted on our Facebook page on October 23rd, 2021.

Today is not a great mental health day for me.

It’s like my brain has a bit of a stomach ache.
Or like my heart has a headache.
My stomach has the sniffles.

Every day people all over experience these little blips of not feeling great.

Does anyone panic?

Do we judge our friends and family for an upset stomach or allergies?
Of course not.

So let’s normalize giving the same grace and space for days when our mental health feels a little yucky
Let’s normalize self-care, rest, and soup.

Let’s normalize whatever “medicine” we need whether it’s some time alone, a chat with a friend, or our literal medicine.

Today I’m going to cuddle my pups and watch some movies. I’m going to take some time to be with myself and sit with the feelings. I’m going to probably have some popcorn and paint my nails (not at the same time… smudges). Maybe I’ll even take a warm bath later in our big tub.

And I’ll be ok. Because yucky mental health days happen just like random headaches, an upset tummy, or even an achy back. I don’t need anyone to say I’ll be ok or even do anything (Wait… you can leave me pet pictures if you want in the comments. I’ll never turn those down!)

We need to acknowledge that…

It doesn’t always mean it’s a symptom of a bigger problem.
It’s not always a cause for concern.
And you don’t have to have some diagnosis for it to happen.

Everyone has them.

Let’s normalize talking about it and taking care of our needs.

Take care of yourself, friends.


I Thought I Was Normal...


Weariness & Hope