3 of Our Favorite Ways to Get Outside in Winter & Boost Your Mood in the Chippewa Valley
Winter-Pattern Seasonal Affective Disorder (often referred to as SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes with the season.
ACEs - What are they and why do they matter?
Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs are potentially traumatic events that happen before the age of 18 such as experiencing or witnessing abuse, violence, or neglect.
Three Tips for Coping With Nightshift
Night shifts suck. There’s really no nicer way to put it. I worked a swing shift job in a factory for many years and it was hard.
Video Games Can Be Good For You
Screen time, technology, and video games are polarizing topics in the 21st century.
Be A Panic Attack Ally
This is purely about how to be a life jacket when someone feels like they’re drowning…
ADHD & Me...
I was going to do a bunch of research about ADHD and how to cope with it. But I decided it was best just to tell my story.
5 Things I Need to Hear When My Depression is Bad (And 3 Things I DON'T)
“Major depressive disorder affects approximately 17.3 million American adults, or about 7.1% of the U.S. population age 18 and older, in a given year. (National Institute of Mental Health “Major Depression”, 2017)”
Dopamine: What is it and how do you increase it?
Dopamine. The word alone gives people the warm and fuzzies. But do you know what it is and what role it plays in your mental health?
We Need To Talk About Mental Health
For me (and I’m not proud of this) mental health was always something that was for weak people, for the snowflakes that couldn’t handle their shit.
Let's Talk About Labels & Limits
It’s not super comfortable for me to post a no makeup, hair-like-it-is type photo but I think this is a good opportunity to talk about labels.