JULY UPDATE: Thoughts Regarding the Eau Claire Day Resource Center
After I posted my opinion regarding the Day Resource Center on our blog last month, the Chief Executive Officer at Western Dairyland Economic Opportunity Council, Inc., Anna Cardarella, reached out and asked to meet with me. I agreed and we met for coffee at Phoenix Coffee a few weeks ago.
Chad is one of our newest additions to At The Roots. Always willing to help out and offer his unique perspective, he is a living example of one of our core values - “Show up, do the right thing.” A Neilsville native who enjoys…
Sober Summer: Navigating Social Events in Eau Claire without Alcohol
We live in a place that has only a short window to enjoy warm, summery weather, so summer means more chances for socializing. We also live in a place where culturally, socializing means alcohol. Alcohol seems to make an appearance everywhere from music festivals to baby showers and in all activities from painting to yoga…
Beat the Summertime Blues: Practical Tips to Connect with Nature
It’s hard to believe that we are deep into July, with the heat finally hitting maybe as hard as the summertime sadness that can feel like life's been a fast-moving dumpster fire…
Thoughts Regarding the Eau Claire Day Resource Center
But lately, questions from our team and community members regarding how I feel about the Day Resource Center have become more frequent. It keeps popping up in unexpected meetings, conversations, and seemingly unrelated spaces so I decided to listen to nudges and learn more about it.
This led me to attend the Day Resource Center Community Meeting on June 18th…
Prioritizing Self-Care: During Pride Month and Beyond
Prioritizing ourselves can sometimes feel like the biggest chore out there, with our own versions of overflowing plates and being metaphorically maxed out on our spoon distribution. In the constant grind of trying to make it through the day, it can be hard to remember that self-care is actually the least selfish act you can engage in…
ATR Short List: 5 LGBTQ+ Mental Health Resources You Should Know
There are several organizations that help create community, promote mental health awareness, and provide direct support. Check out our list of five organizations that can support LGBTQ+ mental health!
Allyship and Advocacy: How Allies Can Support LGBTQ+ Individuals in Their Recovery Journey
It takes a lot of courage to be completely yourself, especially when others think a big part of your identity is up for scrutiny and your human rights are up for debate. I’m never really 100% sure how to be a good ally, but I’m learning as I support those in recovery who identify as LGBTQ+.
Building Connections: The Importance of LGBTQ+ Peer Networks in Sustaining Recovery
The thing is, the very factors that put those in the LGBTQ+ community at greater risk for all of these things are the same ones that make it harder for them to find a supportive, effective pathway to recovery. From discrimination in healthcare/treatment settings to loss of connection with family, pain and struggle become the norm. Isolation sets in, loneliness takes root, and before long you’ve lost all hope that anything can/will ever be different.
And if there’s one thing we know about recovery, it’s that hope is key.
Food for Thought: The Connection Between Nutrition and Mental Health
Since I am at the point in my recovery journey where all foods are safe, I am now becoming more interested in how what I eat can affect my mental state. I still won’t tell you to follow a specific diet or live a sad sugarless existence, but I will tell you what I’ve learned so far…